Monday, January 26, 2015

Ungeist Design Journal: Working Cover

I don't know about you guys, but when I'm making something, it helps to have a visual reference to make it seem real. Well, here is the working cover for Ungeist. 

Beautiful art by Amanda Sharpe ( ) 
Texture by SolStock (
Layout and design by yours truly!

Ungeist cover art! Ungeist is copyright 2013 William Mendoza.
Art by Amanda Sharpe and texture by SolStock

Ungeist Design Journal: Prototype Character Sheets

These are the prototype character sheets I'll be using for the upcoming play-tests of Ungeist: A Dark Fairytale RPG. They are designed to fit on a single sheet of 8.5x11 paper. Print double-sided and then fold down the middle.

Front cover and back cover of Ungeist character booklet.

Interior spread of Ungeist character booklet.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

D&D: We Be Goblins!

We be goblins! We make raid!
Put the longshanks to the blade!
Burn them up from feet to head,
Make them hurt, then make them dead!

Cut the parents into ham,
Smush the babies into jam,
All the rest in pot get stewed,
We be goblins--you be food!

Deep in the Brinestump swamp lives the primitive and superstitious goblin tribe known as the Licktoads. When a valuable stash of burny-burny fireworks is discovered, four goblin "heroes" are chosen to recover it: Reta Bigbad (the fighter), Chuffy Lickwound (the rogue), Poog of Zarongel (the cleric), and Mogmurch (the alchemist). But many horrors lurk in the swamp. Stuff like dogs and horses and even the dread spider known as Lotslegs-Eat-Goblin-Babies-Many!

This is a silly little free Pathfinder adventure that I have adapted to 5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons. I know a lot of people will be absorbed with sportsball, but for those of us who aren't, I wanted to give the opportunity to roll some dice and have some laughs.

The game will be Sunday, Feb 1st at 12:00 noon and has 4 slots available. If sportsball fans and/or more than 4 people want to play, let me know, and I will schedule another one for another weekend.

Image property of Paizo Publishing

Friday, January 16, 2015

Savage Samurai: The Great Rat Race

The 2nd Annual Invention and Innovation Expo is underway and the Zaibatsu merchants have spared no expense! Held on neutral ground, with strict rules about violence, this is the only place in Rokugan where Confederate and Union samurai can coexist peacefully and even rub shoulders. At least, in theory...

But the Crab Clan inventors haven't shown up! One man, Kaiu Hideki, the beloved inventor of the infernal combustion engine, model-K tactical armor, and hex-ray goggles, stands as the sole representative of Crab Clan scientific interests, amidst a sea of rivals. 

That is, until Hida Hachigoro and his deputies arrive with a gaggle of waterlogged and bedraggled scientists in tow. After recounting their harrowing battle with a monstrous ironclad submersible, "The Dragon-Turtle" their Zaibatsu hosts decide to throw them a party! But it's out of the frying pan and into the fire, as Rokugani parties are dangerous affairs. Plots and schemes whirl around the poor scientists and deputies, as their hidden enemies begin to close in!

But tensions are eased temporarily when a friendly race into the desert is proposed between North, South, and the Zaibatsu. What could possibly go wrong? Find out next time, on Savage Samurai...

Image copyright Kevin Halsey