Thursday, July 3, 2014

Welcome to Short Shots!

I grew up on gaming, but I've found that as my friends and I get older, get careers, get mortgages, have kids it becomes harder and harder to to find the time for a full-fledged role playing campaign. Even when we found the time there were constant re-schedules, last-minute conflicts, or leaky baby related emergencies. Playing RPG's started to become more of a stressor and a chore, when they should have been a relief and a refuge. A shame! Grown-up life has a little too much reality sometimes. We need RPG's more than anyone.

And that's how Short Shots was born! Most people are familiar with the idea of a pickup game. We do it with baseball, basketball, and other sports all the time, so why not with role playing games?

How Does It Work?

 My friend/Short-Shots co-creator Charles and I made an email list of our friends who wanted to play games, but couldn't commit to a campaign. When someone wants to run a game they post to the list with a short description, the time and place, and how many players they want. Then players read it and sign up if they are interested and have the time. It's first come, first serve, but players will sometimes swap spots or fill in for each other if something comes up. Games are 1-3 sessions long and 3-5 hours a session.

And that's it! The basics anyway. This blog is about the wacky one-shots, cool home-brew games, and bizarre adventures and mishaps we have along the way! I hope you'll join us, and maybe start a local short shots group of your own.

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