Wednesday, December 31, 2014

New Teaser!

Freedom Train
A Savage Samurai Adventure

After a harrowing journey to the darkest realms of reality and the tragic but noble death of their comrade, Harumi, Shiba Motoko and her deputies return to Rokugan with heavy hearts. But they aren't the only ones who've been through hell and back! 

A train-car full of escaped hinin (so-called "non-people"), attempting to flee the oppression of their Confederate masters, has arrived in Seikitsu City. Hot on their heels are bounty hunters, thugs, and the worst of the worst: Scorpion Enforcers, let by Soshi Bairei, the "Rabid Dog of the South." Once that old bastard gets his teeth into you, he never lets go! 

Now, Motoko and her valiant deputies must help the poor beleaguered peasants across the Unicorn/U.N.C. border before the villainous Southern lawmen close in! But nothing's ever simple when the Scorpion Clan is involved...

Sunday, November 23, 2014

A Half Dozen Samurai Highlights

Shiba Motoko and her intrepid band of deputies head west into no-man's land to protect a nameless village from the predation of bandits. But things never turn out the way you'd expect!

A bright-eyed and curious Shiba Bushi
A grizzled and half-dead Kakita Duelist
An odd-looking Kakita Inventor with a frikkin' lightning staff
An innocent 11-year old intern training to be an Agasha Shugenja

*Helpful Peasant urges the samurai to make it through the rain-soaked forest before dawn comes, but too late!
*The Kakita Inventor slips in the mud and comes to staring at the feet of a 7-foot tall bandit!
*The Shiba Bushi promptly attempts to hit on said bandit to learn his juicy bandit secrets. Is unsuccessful.
*The grizzled Kakita Duelist challenges the bandit leader to a duel in the rain!
*Things go south, so he switches to the ancient Shotgun to the Chest Technique. Is victorious.
*The hidden bandits attack. Things get violent.
*Heroes survive and make it to the village. It's all fucked up.
*They meet Miri, the village guardian. She's got red hair, a crystal spear, and a crazy shard-shooter. Also, weird magic mom who lived in the woods.
*The young Intern get to healing and the others get to training and building montages.
*The Shiba Bushi follows the Kakita Duelist back to his quarters to "gain some knowledge," if you know what I mean. 11-year old Intern follows along. It's awkward.
*Adults give kid sake so he passes out and they can do some vigorous learning. Poor kid.
*Bandits attack the village! Including the dead ones!
*It is determined bandits are spirits of bad dudes who died 50 years ago, returning each dawn to get their violence on.
*Spirit bandits hit with philosophy bomb and forced to question their existence. Heroes take advantage of distraction to liberally apply Shotgun-to-the-Chest Technique.
*Visit grumpy old man with a gun who serves them tea.
*Grumpy old man was leader of bandits 50 years ago before he fell in love with Miri's mom and became village protector. Is reunited with daughter. It's awkward.
*Offers his sweet magic weapons and armor to the heroes while continuing to hold them at gun-point. What a nice guy?
*Heroes descend into the bandit cave, by which I mean, a portal to Toshigoku, the Realm of Slaughter.
*Shiba Bushi looks into nothingness. It looks back. That's bad.
*Miri tells them how to stop the spirit-bandits. That's good.
*It involves the ultimate sacrifice... That's bad!
*Intern gets cracking on the ritual, while Shiba Bushi and Kakita Inventor battle the slaughter spirits. Kakita Duelist summons the bad-guy boss and they duel for their eternal souls!
*Duelist has bit off more than he can chew but is prepared to sacrifice himself.
*Suddenly, slaughter spirit comes out of nowhere and stabs Shiba Bushi through the chest, killing her!
*At the same moment, the Duelist summons the strength to beat his foe, but is too late to save the girl.
*She sacrifices herself for all of them and leads the bloody dead back to the Realm of Waiting where they can rejoin the karmic cycle.
*Victory achieved but everyone is sad. Hooray!

Now that's how you samurai!
Image property of Alderac Entertainment Group

Monday, November 10, 2014

Maze of the Fireflies Highlights

Yesterday's game put our Southern samurai on a mission to escort a convoy up a dangerous stretch of river on the way to an inventor's expo. Here are some highlights. Every single character had one or more of the following hindrances: Overconfident, Curious, Heroic. As you can imagine they were very...proactive. Here are some highlights.

* Attacked by river pirates!
* Pirate captain falls instantly in love with the dashing Mantis Bushi! Promptly loses an arm, and the battle.
* Pirate captain pledges to serve to atone for his crimes.
* Everyone but the Scorpion Shugenja makes friends with a crew of brave but distractible rat-people. * Many confusing conversations about time, fish, and shiny things ensue. Learn about monster called the Tomorrow Fish. Probably nothing.
* Crew explores creepy, rocky, lake maze filled with mist and fireflies and adjectives.
* Spoiler Alert! The mist is made of dead people!
* Ship encounters a Maze Dragon a 30 meter long gargantuan serpent capable of biting ships in half.
* Mantis Bushi promptly jumps overboard to fight said beast mano-y-dragon.
* Scorpion discovers priceless clutch of Maze Dragon eggs. Promptly doesn't tell anyone. Scorpion...
* Zaibatsu Inventor sets bait for the Tomorrow Fish by strapping super-sandals to a clockwork samurai and having him perform figure skating routine.
* Tomorrow fish appears!
* Is actually turtle-shaped ironclad submarine powered by captive elemental inferno with hull immune to cannon fire. It's probably fine.
* Tomorrow Fish cuts boat in half with one shot from mouth-cannon!
* Samurai respond by jumping straight into mecha-beast's mouth. Heroes...
* Mantis Shugenja calls upon spirits of sailors killed by the ironclad to attack!
* The two Shugenja sabotage engines while Mantis Bushi and Zaibatsu merchant engage in epic battle with steam-cyborg ironclad captain on the bridge. Is epic.
* Ship makes it to surface, but about to blow!
* Ironclad crew and hero samurai awkwardly share escape pods for two days.

Victory for the South! Sort of.

Image by Brian Wackwitz

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Teaser: Maze of the Fireflies

The time of the second annual Zaibatsu Invention and Innovation Expo has arrived! After hearing of the wonders of last year's expo, the Crab have decided to send a delegation of young up and coming engineers, along with the last invention of the late, great, Kaiu Ketsue. In honor of his dead friend, Hida Hachigoro has decided to take a break from law enforcement to see the ship safely to the expo.
He has asked any of his deputies who wish to volunteer to come with him. 

The delegation must travel north, up the Humbling River, if they wish to make it in time. But the rushing water and cold, muddy depths of the river are not the only dangers. Gangs of vicious river pirates prowl the river, and tribes of Ujik-Hai and Nezumi patrol the shores. But that's not all! The villagers say some new evil has taken up residence beneath the dark water and between the misty spires of Lake Meiro. Why in the name of whiskey and Shinsei are lakes always haunted? Keep you wits about you or you'll be pondering that question from a watery grave, dear samurai!

Teaser: A Half-Dozen Samurai

The war between North and South rages across Rokugan and the West. Both armies are pushed to the limit of their endurance and sometimes, faced with the shameful realities of war, they must cut their losses and withdraw to lick their wounds. But what of those they leave behind?

A nameless village sits nestled along a nameless river. Over the years it has fallen under the rule of first the Union, then the Confederacy, and then back again. But now both sides have withdrawn to fight over territory deemed more important. The nameless village stands alone. Now bandits circle them like vultures over a dying horse. This story has been told time and time again, always ending in tragedy. But the villagers have decided that this time will be different! They send two brave representatives to Seikitsu City to seek salvation. Their plan: to hire samurai to negotiate with the bandits or to fight them off. That's where you come in! They have heard what Shiba Motoko and her brave deputies did for the village of East Creek. But be warned: in the West, things are often worse than they first appear and much...weirder.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Savage Samurai Cover Image

This is the cover I quickly banged together to go on the character creation binders.

I don't know who created the source image. I found it uncredited on a free wallpaper site. If you know who the artist is, let me know so I can thank them. The image is not be mine, but I at least did the design, etc.

As always, Savage Worlds and Legend of the Five Rings are property of Pinnacle Entertainment and AEG respectively.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Revised Savage Samurai Character Sheet

I made a few rules changes, so the sheet has been modified. Also spruced up the visuals a bit, I think. What do you think?

Saturday, August 9, 2014

A Young Samurai's Savage Primer

Savage Samurai is coming soon! Read about the world. Obviously, Savage Worlds is property of Pinnacle Entertainment and L5R is property of AEG.

A Brief Summary of Everything
The imperial family died in an accident and/or mysterious circumstances. After the smoke cleared, the next two in succession were twins: Rinkan and Dai-Besu. Things got ugly and some politics happened. The northern clans eventually declared for Rinkan, the southern for Dai-Besu. The south had superior mineral resources and technology but suffered from a lack of food. They launched a bold campaign, and using new-fangled weapons, they seized southern Crane lands. The North responded with force, but southern technology was a big problem. The Crane hatched a plan. They urged Emperor Rinkan to declare all Hinin forgiven for the sins of their past lives and elevated to Heimin class. The Crab and Scorpion depend heavily on Hinin, and the move greatly damaged their logistics and culture, despite the twin economic powerhouses of Yasuki and Yoritomo. Shit escalated from there.

At the height of the war the Northern capitol was sacked, hinin rebellions raged in the south, and 20,000 samurai died in a single day on the field of battle. That's when the Cataclysm struck! A huge earthquake shook the world from its core to the high-heavens and tore swathes of Rokugan and the West asunder. Huge gashes split in the ground, mountains fell, and many more people died. The Cataclysm opened up new ghost rock veins and the Clans and prospectors alike scramble to harvest them. The march of technology has broken into a run! But now strange rumors abound of nightmare creatures, the hungry dead, and slaughter spirits stalking the land in ever increasing numbers. Both Emperors deny the rumors, but many within Rokugan have taken it upon themselves to peer into the darkness and find the truth!

Anyway, in terms of numbers, both sides of the war are about equal. In terms of food and liquid wealth, the north is way ahead. In terms of military hardware and mobility, the south is way ahead. The north is more progressive toward women and peasants but much worse to gaijin. The south is more progressive when it comes to science and not being racist. Both sides are heavily courting the Unicorn, as they are the key to westward expansion and trade. Both are participating in a rail war. Neither care what the Dragon are up to. But they really ought to care...

Northern Unified Clans
The Clans of the North embrace are sometimes called the Glorious Union, or just The Union. They embrace tradition but have abolished the hinin (non-person) class, and support Emperor Rinkan. They believe in conquering the West.

The Crane Clan: Undisputed masters of swordsmanship, craftsmanship, and the courts. Known for dueling and being rich.

The Lion Clan: Undisputed masters of war, honor, and righteous yelling. Known for ancestor magic and winning at everything.

The Phoenix Clan: Undisputed masters of magic, meditation, and secret knowledge. Known for bodyguards and pacifism and burning the fuck out of their enemies when either fails.

Southern Confederated Clans
The Clans of the South are sometimes called the Confederacy of the Claw or just the Confederates. They embrace new technology and trade but still maintain the hinin class. They support Emperor Dai-Besu. They believe in establishing commerce with the cultures of the West.

The Crab Clan: Undisputed masters of siege warfare, fighting supernatural evil, and smashing stuff. Known for high tech gadgets and being surly.

The Mantis Clan: Undisputed masters of the seas, shady commerce, and dirty fighting. Known for their two weapon style and outrageous overconfidence.

The Scorpion Clan: Undisputed masters of intrigue, espionage, and plausible deniability. Known for blackmail and sneak attacks. At least, we think so...

Neutral Parties
Neutral clans and organizations have no particular cultural or ideological tenet that unites them, save an independent streak 1-3 miles wide.

The Ki-Rin Clan: Undisputed masters of horses, foreign relations, and scouting the frontier. Known for their cavalry, strange customs, and wilderness guides.

The Dragon Clan: Undisputed masters of the two-sword style, meditation, and doing the impossible. Known for cool tattoos and saying weird stuff.

The Zaibatsu: Not one organization but 10 massive corporations that year after year ruthlessly take over a bigger chunk of Rokugan's economy. Known for wheeling, dealing, and doing anything to make the sale. Anything...

Ronin and other low life's: Outcasts, deserters, bastards, bandits, mercenaries, yakuza, half-breeds, Yobanjin, and low-born. The only thing unifying this group is that everyone else looks down on them...and underestimates them!

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Monday, August 4, 2014

The Crab Clan Preview!

Image not mine. Totally sweet though.

Each family increases an attribute. Each School grants free Edges and some other fun stuff.

Old artisan schools are now Inventors! They use SCIENCE!!! to make awesome devices.

Show Me Your Stance!

I made cards for the five stances in Savage Samurai. The idea is, once you've been dealt your Action Card, you play your Stance. It effects what actions you can take and gives bonuses or penalties, depending. Just another attempt to meld the feel of the two worlds. It worked well in the first playtest.

The images on the cards are copyright Alderac Entertainment group. For personal use, not to be distributed.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Savage Samurai Character Sheet
Hello all! The character creation session for Savage Samurai (a mash up of Legend of the Five Rings and Deadlands) is still a month away, but that doesn't mean I'm not busy preparing. Here is an image of the character sheet we'll be using. I'll be happy to accept any and all feedback.


Sunday, July 20, 2014

Savage Samurai, Zach's birthday one-shot was a success! There have been a large number of requests for me to run this game again, so I will be doing so in the near future. Watch this space! I'd love to post a summary of our exploits and derring-do, but I don't want to ruin it for future players. That's right, I'm not above recycling an adventure or two. Twice the fun and half the prep? That's math I can get behind.

In the meantime, here's the teaser for the final chapter in the Star Wars: Long Arm of the Hutt saga!

Friday, July 18, 2014

In our recent D&D game our heroes battled with some creepy blind zombies called "the Eyeless" on the ruins of an ancient bridge above a great underground chasm. Realizing that the creatures hunted by smell, the wizard and bard conspired to use magic to make the half-orc barbarian smell strongly of sandalwood to distract their creepy foes. It worked! Mostly... Here is the impromptu (and unedited) song the party bard wrote during the encounter!

The Ballad of Sandalwood

There once was a half-orc named Urg,
Who had the ridiculous notion I’ve heard.
To smell of Sandalwood,
This idea, he thought, was good.
But I thought the idea absurd!

The smell, it lingered so long.
It’s effects were ever so strong.
It confused the strange guys
(With big hands and no eyes!)
And caused me to write this song.

Urg’s power, and powerful smell
Did help us all so well.
We chased down those creatures,
With their large, grotesque features,
And gave them a little taste of hell.

A rickety bridge we did cross.
We hoped our lives wouldn’t be lost.
The bridge, it did creak,
And I gave a small shriek.
But not all of us made it across.

Marthus, he frost-bowed the beast.
Which was a relief, to say the least.
Whilst, from ledge, Storm did hang.
But she climbed while I sang,
And lived through a dangerous feat.

Luckily, our Storm packed a rope,
Which gave us all great hope.
Across the cavern, she did throw.
With the rope tied, we did go,
And across that rope I did lope.

Marthus, he dangled and swayed.
With no place to go, there he stayed.
On the ledge we were stuck,
Quickly running out of luck.
So, on this drum, I continue to play.

From the rope, dear Marthus did fall.
Plunged into darkness, were we all.
Now no one could see,
And, Marthus, where could he be?
Down into the pit we should crawl.

Auziviir, with a torch, gave us light.
It was such a wonderful sight!
To be able to see,
Yet to know we’re not free,
Did continue to add to my fright.

Urg, with his Sandalwood smell,
Went down into the chasm of hell.
With the taunt of dangling rope,
Marthus felt like a dope,
And Urg found where our dear Marthus fell.

From the pit, we heard a “Go Azi!” cry.
“Don’t call me Azi!” was Auziviir’s reply.
Raging, the undead she impaled.
Their weapons repelled by her chainmail,
As Urg clamored up towards the sky.

From the cavern, Marthus and Urg did appear,
And crossed the pit with no fear.
We took a rest for some time,
While Marthus drank down his wine,
And continued to anger poor Auziviir.

The pungent smell of Sandalwood,
Which Urg insisted was good,
Did linger too long,
Through the end of this song.

And thus concludes the Ballad of Sandalwood.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Savage Samurai

Here's the teaser for our next Short Shot, Savage Samurai.My friend Zach asked me to run a special birthday Short Shot. His first two choices were Deadlands and Legend of the Five Rings. So, I decided to combine the two! Enjoy...

Road to Prosperity

 I was headed for Prosperity. No, that ain't no metaphor. It's a town. Rumor has it there's buried Yobanjin gold. Or was it a bandit's stolen treasure hidden under the floorboards? Or maybe it was a wealth of jewels in a dark tomb beneath the temple? Don't matter. I was gonna find it either way. Or so I thought.

I had an hour to kill before my train arrived, so I decided to have a drink or three. On my fourth cup of cold sake, some toughs walked in. They didn't wear any clan colors, but I could tell from their tattered uniforms they used to belong to the glorious army of the Unified Northern Clans. Deserters.

They strode up to me in a clump of malice and stared down at me. The leader, a tough looking woman spoke, "Ronin, Scum. Stand and face your betters."

"Good day, samurai-sama," I replied, with all the false courtesy I could muster, "I'll be sure to do that, if they show up. In the meantime, have a seat.  Y'all eaten rice today?"

"Rice, doesn't concern us, scum. We're after something much richer. Word is, you are headed to Prosperity Village. We want to...hire you to show us the way."

"When you say it real sweet like that, how can I refuse? Lemme see about, nope." The former Matsu frowned at this, nearly turning red before leaning in and whispering, "Then give us one good reason we shouldn't kick your ass and make you show us the way?"

"Can't think of one." The Matsu woman smiled murderously, but I continued, "However, my friend Kaiu Koto has thought of 5..." Questions formed on the faces of my assailants, but I didn't wait for realization to dawn. They hadn't noticed the fivegun at my side. I kicked the table forward and showed it to them, fanning the hammer until it clicked. Empty. Fanning looks fancy but is inaccurate as hell. Luckily my foes had done me a favor and stood in a tight group not five feet from me. They fell. Probably not dead, but unlikely to bother me for a long time. 

I stood up, but nearly tripped over my chair as I saw a flash of steel near the saloon door and a blast of thunder and smoke. I felt searing hot pain in my left arm, and turned to see the sixth enemy, the one I hadn't noticed, pointing a smoking large-bore black powder pistol at me. If I hadn't tripped it would gotten me in the heart. Thank the fortune of sake for that one. The woman at the door dropped her pistol and went into void stance. Lucky for me, northerners favored single shot pistols. Unlucky for me, I noticed a tiny Kakita family mon sewn into her kimono. Kakita were known to be the best duelists in the world. Shit. But I had no choice and settled into void stance as well. Then we stared at each other. I shifted once. She didn't move. The world was silent, save for the drip of sake from a broken bottle onto the wooden floor. The bell tolled noon. We struck...

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Welcome to Short Shots!

I grew up on gaming, but I've found that as my friends and I get older, get careers, get mortgages, have kids it becomes harder and harder to to find the time for a full-fledged role playing campaign. Even when we found the time there were constant re-schedules, last-minute conflicts, or leaky baby related emergencies. Playing RPG's started to become more of a stressor and a chore, when they should have been a relief and a refuge. A shame! Grown-up life has a little too much reality sometimes. We need RPG's more than anyone.

And that's how Short Shots was born! Most people are familiar with the idea of a pickup game. We do it with baseball, basketball, and other sports all the time, so why not with role playing games?

How Does It Work?

 My friend/Short-Shots co-creator Charles and I made an email list of our friends who wanted to play games, but couldn't commit to a campaign. When someone wants to run a game they post to the list with a short description, the time and place, and how many players they want. Then players read it and sign up if they are interested and have the time. It's first come, first serve, but players will sometimes swap spots or fill in for each other if something comes up. Games are 1-3 sessions long and 3-5 hours a session.

And that's it! The basics anyway. This blog is about the wacky one-shots, cool home-brew games, and bizarre adventures and mishaps we have along the way! I hope you'll join us, and maybe start a local short shots group of your own.